another othello

a new context for an old musical

this painting should’ve been an email

An essay about art and how a lot of it is annoying.

sullivan’s travels

An essay about art and how a lot of it is annoying.

nine the musical

a new context for an old musical

all er nuthin

a comprehensive video essay
calling out the performativity in mainstream theater’s “diversity efforts”

the great gatsby

a dramaturgical document that isn’t so dreadfully dull

carnival of the animals

The Chickens

a collection of curious costumes

(study for nine)

some studies for a large fabric puppet controlled by two or more puppeteers using a few strings

When Five Years Pass

a set design for a surrealist play to express the impossible physics of a dream

Daisy Miller

an in-progress collage novelabout the exquisite pain and pleasure of not fitting in

you never call, you never write...

(get in touch!)
you never call, you never write...

(get in touch!)